Saturday 7 September 2024

Day 2 Dubrovnik and Cavtat

Another sunny day in beautiful Croatia.  Today our initial task was to understand the bus schedule since we needed to get a bus into Dubrovnik and transfer at the bus terminal to get to Cavtat.  This seaside attraction was recommended by Saska, our apartment owner. After a considerable wait at a bus stop, we caught the #7 bus to the bus terminal and luckily were able to immediately board the next, #10,  for the 20 km ride to Cavtat. The bus ride was about one hour and very scenic as we skirted the Adriatic Sea and were able to see a number of villages, ships and appreciate the rugged coastline. The entire area is very hilly. All houses are built on the hillsides. They seem to be fourplexes for the most part.

Saska’s recommendation was ‘on the money’. What a beautiful spot.  Although busy, we certainly didn’t have to deal with the huge number of tourists, which was the case in Dubrovnik Old Town.

Upon our arrival, we chose to have lunch in a restaurant overlooking the marina.  A cold glass of local draught beer and lunch set us up for the afternoon of meandering along th main street adjacent to the harbour. The girls viewed a shell museum which featured a collection of shells from around the world. The variety was certainly impressive. We also entered a church to light a candle. They were preparing it for a wedding later in the day.

There were of course the usual variety of kiosks which entertained us and prompted us to open our wallets on the odd occasion. Croatia has a variety of jewellery items which are modelled from either interesting windows or high society buttons. They certainly caught our attention!

Of course, due to the very warm weather, we had to indulge in our first ice cream which definitely hit the spot. We eventually decided it was time to wander back towards the bus to head home.

Arriving in Dubrovnik at the bus terminal, we located a restaurant nearby near the marina,  for a bite to eat as there is nothing near our apartment. We finally settled on a pizza. 

Since the #7 bus had stopped running, we hired a taxi to take us home. We were happy to be out of the sun and back to a little airconditioned comfort.

All in all, it was a great day.

Pictures from the bus
Dubrovnik city wall

A long drop to the sea as we negotiate the windy road to Cavtat.

Beautiful seaside villages /towns dot the hillsides along the route

An example of the rugged coastline

Pictures in Cavtat

Nothing quite like a draught beer to set you up for the afternoon meanderings

Eloise and Kathy visited a church, which was preparing for a wedding, to light a candle

Cavtat scenes

Cavtat harbour

Cavtat harbour

Bougainvillea everywhere!

The church exterior

Cavtat scenes

Typical houses seen throughout this area

Bougainvillea arching the stairway

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